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The New Year begins, and with it an endless list of resolutions to fulfill. New year for many is synonymous with suddenly fulfilling everything we have not done during our lives. If we think about it, the proposal is completely absurd, since the calendar is just a rational way of accounting for time. Why not make a resolution in September, November, or March?
Give up smoking, lose weight, read more, travel the world, learn a new language… an endless number of desires that end up dissolving in a sea of reproaches no later than the month of April (being optimistic).
So, what? What to do to achieve goals and not continue failing in the attempt?
Yes, you need a plan, a structured series of actions aimed at achieving a goal. You require structure.
“The best way to end a marathon is running by one kilometer, and then for another, and another...up to forty-two”
Within the achievement of a purpose, there are generally micro goals. Imagine that you want to lose 20 Kg. It would not make much sense to put on some running shoes and expect to lose them in one day, those actions that lead us to it.
We need to separate the goal and micro goals. Goal=lose 20 Kg. Micro goal=lose one Kg.
The 4 Q´s
What? What is it that we want to achieve? e.g., : read more.
Why? Why do we want to get it? e.g., : I need to reduce TV watching.
How? Plan and strategy. e.g., : Read a book per month. Instead of watching TV while having breakfast, read 20 pages after having breakfast.
In most cases, New Year's resolutions come to nothing due to lack of structure, but also due to other factors such as:
High expectations. Try to be conservative and realistic. Time is limited and we are limited.
Focus on too long periods.
Lack of data. Everything that is done must be put in writing to be analyzed and monitored. It's not about making a complicated Excel sheet. A Bridget Jones-style diary would be more than enough.
Talking is for free, doing is hard work.
We could write an endless list of New Year's resolutions, but that doesn't mean they will be fulfilled magically. You have to take action to create the habit, and that requires in most cases doing uncomfortable things.
For me, it is very useful to travel to the future, visualizing what those uncomfortable situations will be. Increase the feeling of discomfort in your mind to the maximum and prepare an antidote to overcome them. It can be a small reward or thinking about all the good things about reaching the goal. That helps me when difficulties and temptations come.
Less is more
Many times we take goals with deadlines that are too long or imprecise.
A more efficient way to focus is to divide. A weekly or quarterly approach works much better than directly focusing on the deadline.
Evaluate the 4 Q's.
Measure your strength.
And if you are not able to commit, do not consider it.
Remember that things are not achieved by talking or magically. They require a plan, commitment, sacrifice, and effort. Enjoy the process, perhaps by the time you are on the right path you will have internalized the plan as a part of you.
“The glory is being happy. The glory is not winning here or winning there. The glory is enjoying practice, enjoying every day, enjoying working hard, trying to be a better player than before.” “Success is not the victory, but everything you have overcome in order to win.” Rafael Nadal.
What about my 2025 resolutions?
Substack creators usually pivot between subscriber statistics. Obviously, it is a good approach to understand if we are adding value or not. I can't be more grateful to those of you who are part of this project. As the saying goes, “We are few but good.” However, I am not happy at all with the results and far from blaming others, I have to criticize myself. So instead of setting a numerical goal such as “I want to have 10,000 subscribers.” I have decided to set more precise objectives that will lead me to get more subscribers “Firstly we play football well and if we play well, the titles will come”.
How does that materialize?
Thesis of higher quality, with more insight and more focused on the community.
New content such as interviews and monographs on accounting or corporate finance.
Community growth.
A new project that I can't talk about yet, but I think you will like it a lot, and it will add a lot of value.
Greetings and have a good week.