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The opinion expressed in the reports and posts is my current opinion. This opinion is based on the prevailing market trends and is subject to change.
This post is not a BUY or SELL recommendation.
X was established by Elon Musk in 2023 as the successor to Twitter, Inc.
This social network is considered by many to be the most toxic social network that exists. However, in my opinion, it is a question of focus. Nothing is toxic or not by itself, but it depends on the environment in which you operate and the people you surround yourself with. It's not very different from real life. Beyond the problems that can be caused by being excessively exposed to topics such as politics, which is the generator of most divisions and conflicts in modern societies, X can provide us with an immense opportunity for knowledge if we use it well.
Following my late motive: “Quality Vs. Quantity” it is not as important how many people follow you as whom you follow. An experience of passively reading what interesting people say can teach us much more than constantly posting to a large community of people. That is the potential of X.
I have to say that currently I follow to 196 people versus 1990 who follow me. It is not ego; it is functionality.
My home, my rules
If you want X to help you in a learning and knowledge process or in establishing strong, quality relationships, you must set rules and limits. These are my rules:
Follow only profiles that I find fascinating and that contribute to me. Never follow in compensation for a follow. Never follow through commitment or friendship. I do not care if someone does not follow me, if someone offers an appealing content, I'll follow him.
If an account is annoying me or distracts me, I mute it. I never block it. If the situation is long-term, stop following.
I present myself to others as I am. I do not hide under pseudonyms and that helps me make relationships more authentic and creates self-discipline since it is me and not someone hidden in an account who gives my opinion.
I do not talk about aspects of my personal life, although I don't hide who I really am. I have no problem showing aspects of myself that would be absurd and artificial to hide. For example: religious beliefs (without trying to evangelize anyone), economic and social ideas or sports preferences.
I am polite. If on any occasion I disagree with someone I do not know, I try to question him delicately and presenting arguments. Insults are prohibited no matter how much something bothers you, and even if someone insults me. I prefer to limit ad hominem accusations and hurtful irony. Going like a bull in a china shop is not a good idea.
X is a good tool for investors. But you have to know how to abstract yourself from the herd. Giving your opinion is free and much more so when done anonymously.
I accept constructive criticism, I reserve compliments and reject criticism without foundation or arguments.
Interesting accounts that I follow and that I recommend
@eferbre by Eloy Fernández 😎😎. Stocks and finance. Sometimes I write about movies and other things of interest.
@aeberman12 by Art Berman. Energy, economics, environment, and geopolitics.
@craigbuj by Craig Bujnowski. Real Estate.
@AswathDamodaran by Aswath Damodaran. Finance & markets.
@iancassel by Ian Cassel. Micro Caps.
@jposhaughnessy by Jim O'Shaughnessy. Finance.
@mjmauboussin by Michael Mauboussin. Decisions, books, investing, mental models, complex adaptive systems, skill, luck.
@AltaFoxCapital by Connor Haley. Alternative asset firm manager.
@MarinKatusa by Marin Katusa. Finance.
@MarioGabelli by Mario Gabelli. Research-driven, value investing.
@anandchokkavelu by Anand Chokkavelu, CFA. Stocks.
@BillAckman by Bill Ackman. CEO Pershing Square.
@davidein by David Einhorn. President of Greenlight Capital.
@HowardMarksBook by Howard Marks. Co-Chairman & Co-Founder of
@BaillieGifford by Baillie Gifford. Global investment managers.
Greetings and have a good week.