Analysis date: September 25, 2024.
Price return since analysis date: +11.56% (+0.41% after results).
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At the current date, I own Takeuchi shares, representing around 3% of my portfolio.
Company Overview
TAKEUCHI MFG. CO., LTD (6432.T) is a Japan-based company principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of construction machinery, such as compact hydraulic excavators and track loaders.
Established by Mr. Akio Takeuchi in 1963, Takeuchi developed the world’s first compact excavator in 1971 and developed the first compact rubber track loader in 1986. In this regard, Takeuchi transformed the global construction equipment markets.
To know more: TAKEUCHI MFG. CO., LTD.
Q3´24 Results.
Net sales +5.9% YoY.
Gross margin 23.1% (24.2%).
Transportation costs 2.7% of net sales (3.2%).
Salaries and allowances 1.1% of net sales (1.7%).
EBIT margin 15.7% (16.1%).
Cash position ¥40,233 mm (-10.23%).
Dividends: Fiscal year ending February 2025 (est.) ¥200
Buyback shares
“At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on October 10, 2024, we resolved the acquisition of our own shares pursuant to the provisions of Article 156 of the Companies Act, as applied by replacing the relevant terms pursuant to the provisions of Article 165, paragraph 3 of the same Act, and acquired 924,700 shares of our own shares. As a result, treasury shares increased by 4,405 million yen during the third quarter of the current consolidated cumulative period, and treasury shares at the end of the third quarter of the current consolidated cumulative period were 6,438 million yen”.
Forecast for the fiscal year ending February 2025
Net sales ¥215,500 mm
Operating profit ¥44,500
EBIT margin 26.1%
Earnings per share ¥629.36.
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Next report: January 30, 2025.